About Christopher Rodriguez

Posts by Christopher Rodriguez:

Pros and Cons of Content Marketing

Pros and Cons of Content MarketingWith all the different tools, concepts and executions that make up marketing, you might be asking yourself what is content marketing. Well to answer that as simply as I can, it’s the process of producing some sort of value through blogs, social media, apps or content on your own platforms, that results in continued visits or shares from your target. Similar to social media marketing, there are pros and cons, right and wrong ways to do content marketing. Here are our biggest pros and cons.

Pros of Content Marketing

It provides insight

If you have a loyal following and create quality content, you will be rewarded with customer feedback. Some of the responses might be negative but you can use that to make adjustments and improvements.

Increase your chances for shares

While I don’t think that you should create content with the expectation that it will go viral, I do think that the best chance you have is creating quality content. If you’re producing work that moves people, they’ll want to share it and you’ll have a chance for it to go viral. The more consistently you can put out quality work the more your customers will visit consistently and share your content.

Cons of Content Marketing

It won’t come easy

It takes time and hard work to be successful with content marketing. If you don’t have the time to commit you might want to think about bringing someone on in order devote the time it needs. If you can’t do this then maybe it’s not the right time to start your target marketing campaign.

You Need to Be Organized

You need to be well organized in order to make sure all the content being produced is thoughtful and related. If you’re just throwing out seemingly random or unorganized content people won’t know what to expect from you and be less likely to follow.

In my opinion, as long as you have the time to dedicate to content marketing the pro’s definitely outweigh the cons.



Photo courtesy of Salvatore Vuono / FreeDigitalPhotos.net


Social Media Chatter: How Effective Is It?

Social Media Chatter: How Effective Is It?There is always a lot of chatter about whether or not social media marketing is truly effective. There are people on both sides of this issue. While both sides have valid arguments I believe that the truth lies somewhere in between and is dependent on how you use social media in your marketing plans.

What Is the Social Media Chatter in 2014

Some say that because Facebook has changed its algorithm many people are starting to think that social media marketing isn’t worth it. They are saying that e-mail marketing is still a better alternative.

One of the statistics thrown out there is that e-mail marketing reaches 100% of the people on your e-mail list but social media is dependent on the platform your target audience is using. But you do need to take this information with a grain of salt; how many of those e-mails are actually being opened?

Online chatter also mention that 3.6 billion people had e-mails in 2013, while at the beginning of 2013 Facebook had 1.11 billion active users. I believe those numbers are skewed because people could have set up multiple accounts in both categories.

The biggest problem, in my opinion, is that people look at social media marketing as one note. They think that it’s all about reaching new consumers by advertising on different platforms. But social media’s greatest strength is about being social.

Social media has plenty of benefits that help grow your consumer base. For example, it helps you offer better customer service, maintain your reputation and can lead to word-of-mouth advertising. All these things will lead to better reviews, shared content and more sales of your product.

I think you need to use social media as an extension of your campaigns and not as a stand-alone campaign. It is A tool not THE tool to use when marketing your company.





Photo courtesy of KROMKRATHOG / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Top 5 Google Tricks You’re Not Using

We all know Google for its search engine, email and as new owners of YouTube. But Google has many unused, unknown and  underused functions.

Our Top 5 Google Tricks You Probably Don’t Use

Google's "Made With Code" Wants Girls To Code

Adding and Subtracting Content From Search Results

If you search with a Tilde ~ Google will include search results for synonyms. This can be very useful if you’re not getting the results you want in your searches. You can also add in a – in order to omit certain results. For example if you’re searching for something with multiple meanings, such as crane, you can type in crane rental –animal. So that only results for machinery will come up.

You Can Search for Flights

There are conflicting opinions whether travel sites use your cookies in order to determine prices. But if you want to play it safe you can always use Google to search for flights. Google will display the results for the days you choose. But they also  allow you to scrub through a timeline. The timeline consists of the surrounding days to find the best deals.

Compare Your Foods

There’s always someone looking to start a healthier lifestyle. Google can help you make better choices. It can compare two foods nutritionally for you. For example if you are debating if you want to eat an apple or some grapes, you would type “compare apples to grapes” and Google would give you the results.

Specialized Searches

Sometimes you get too many results when you search online. Google offers specialized searches including blog, patent and public record searches. You can reach them by going here and scrolling down to the specialized searched section.

Something for Fun

Google also gives you  chances to take a little break while searching online. These are some of my favorite features on Google. The first one being Zerg rush which is a reference to the computer game Star Craft. Once you search Zerg rush, the letter o will start to drop down and attack the results. You can click them to defeat them. There is also Atari breakout. You have to Google image search but it allows you to play a version of the Atari game breakout.

Top 5 Ways to Improve Online Traffic

What is search engine marketing?The internet gives everybody a voice so it can be difficult to stand out in such a saturated community. Here’s our top 5 ways to improve online traffic to your site that take just a little more effort than what you’re probably already doing.

Submit to Stumble Upon

Although this sounds a little inefficient, it works. When signing up with the site users have to select categories of interests. This insures that the people that will see your posts, if you submit them, have interest in it and can potentially become avid followers.

Provide Links to Past Posts

This leads us to our next point: including links to your past posts that are relevant. Getting people to visit your site is just the start. You want them to continue to visit your site and a way to achieve this is to include links to your previous posts. This creates interests in more of your past site. This can help you link build and increase your placement in search results.

Answer Questions

Answer Questions on Yahoo Answers, Quora, and other similar sites. This helps you get noticed by people with similar interests or that are looking for information you potentially provide on your blog.

Guest Blog on Other Relevant Blogs

This plays into the same idea as answering questions. Putting your name out there on an established site will help in establishing yourself an expert in your field. If people like what you post they’ll follow you to your site in order to keep reading what you have to say. This can work as a two way street also. You can also have guest bloggers on your site in order to draw some of their followers to you as well as allowing them to gain some followers for their site.

Respond to Comments

Nobody likes to be ignored; the online community is no different. Replying to their comments can help build a relationship with them and keep them coming back for more.





Photo courtesy of cooldesign / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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