Online Marketing

Online Traffic Return Best Practices

Online Traffic Return Best Practices

Getting customers onto your website is great, but how do we increase online traffic return?

Keeping your customers informed about your business can help maintain loyalty. Customers’ attention needs to be earned; here are some of the best practices.

Stay in Touch With Your Customers

Get their emails, so that they hear from you. Have an email- list of people so you can send them promotions by sharing promotions, news, tips and trends, and new products. Sending out emails is a good way for customers to remember you, and by adding links to your website in the email you make it easy to generate online traffic return.

Customize Emails

Know what your customers are interested in and keep them up to date on industry news and trends that affect their business. That way you  send them emails that are most relevant to their interests. It’s always great to use their name in the content, so it looks more personal. Send them emails of products that they would most likely appeal to them, rather than a general email. And remember it’s never about you, it’s always about the customers.

Loyalty Programs

This is a great way for thanking your customers for being a part of your business. Customers can feel appreciated when the business is doing something for them. Loyalty programs are great, because people love racking up points. According to Shephkeyen, 54% of Americans would use a business more if the company had a loyalty reward.

Encourage Them To Share

Getting your customers to share your website with people they know is a fast and easy way to expand your audience. Customers can share your website through social media accounts. You can also give rewards for customers who refer another person to your business. Sharing is as easy as a click of a button, so it is not too much to ask for.









Photo courtesy of  Stuart Miles,

Interactive Video is Hot

Interactive Video is Hot

How cool would it be if you could make choices in a video you’re watching? With interactive video you can.

Interactive video allows the viewer to interact with the video by selecting choices through touch, sound and clicks. Viewers can do more than sit back and watch.

Interactive video can be used for many types of purposes from shopping to story telling.

Not only are they entertaining and engaging, but these appealing videos make people want to watch them again. Interactive videos inspire viewers to replay them on average up to three times, according to Entrepreneur.

Customizable Storylines

You can use interactive video to tell a story, with viewers making plot choices. This is what Pepsi does in their video “Now is What You Make It.” Viewers can click on a pop up icon to unveil a new scene. Another way to use interactive video to tell a story is to make a choice to change the direction of the story. Viewers can take part in the fate of the story. If they don’t like it, they can always try another choice. Andy Grammar’s music video “Keep Your Head Up” uses this type of interaction.

Shopping Through Video

Producing videos to market new products has become commonplace in our visual and mobile era. But the latest twist lets you shop and buy through video. While the  interactive video is playing you can click on icons that allow you to purchase products. This video of Ben Sherman’s 2012-2013 collection is one example of apparel shopping though video. In the video, as each model walks by, an icon of the outfit pops up in the corner. When you click on it, you can view item options like sizes and colors, and prices and purchase it immediately.

How To’s and Tutorials

Using interactive video you can learn how to do things by making choices and becoming part of the process. This DIY method immerses you in the tutorial and may help you learn more. The Cupcake Adventure tutorial shows you how to make cupcakes while you choose the flavors. People are apt to learn and retain more information when they take part in the process rather than watching.

Contact NuZoo to discuss what type of
interactive video is best for you.






Photo courtesy of  Ambro,

Website Updates Your Company Needs

Website Updates Your Company NeedsAs a Chicago web design company we can help with website updates that can benefit your company.  A website can always use some improving, but some are crucial for this day and age. It’s time to sweep away the dust and give your website a boost.

Here are some updates your website might need:

It’s Not Responsive

One of the best website updates is reconstructing for a responsive website. A responsive website will generally be modified to fit the device screen. Media, texts, and tabs are more accessible and size-appropriate. With a diverse collection of  devices  such as Ipads, tablets, smartphones, laptops, and desktops, it’s important that websites can be easily accessible and readable no matter the device. Fluid layouts, media and text will adjust to accommodate the device according to SmashMagazine.

What you don’t want is a one size fits all website. 46% of people using mobile devices have said they have trouble viewing a website that does not adjust to their device according to B2C.

It’s Not Mobile

Without a mobile website, your website might be difficult to navigate on a smartphone . The pictures might be too big, the fonts too small, and tabs too tiny to click on. A mobile website should have simpler page designs, large text and buttons according to Entrepreneur.

Redesigning a website to become mobile friendly is a momentous move for your business, because people are ditching their desktops for smartphones. By 2017, 91% of internet users will access internet through their phones according to Dazeinfo. With that being said, it’s critical that consumers can have a pleasant and easy experience looking through your website.

 It Doesn’t Look Updated

With all the new web design trends, it is easy to be behind. Some of the most popular trends include a clutter-free website with a central focus. Images and typography are bolder and bigger. Another way to update your website is to add in a blog. Blogging encourages conversation and interactions with customers.

Considering these website updates is important because site visitors will judge your business based on the capabilities of your website.



Contact NuZoo to find out what website updates suit your site.


Using Marketing Videos To Promote Your Business

What Makes a Great Marketing Video?Why should you be using marketing videos to promote your company?

People love video. Video is watched on cell phones, social media, web sites, email and blogs. And marketing videos are becoming the best, easiest and fastest way to reach customers.

Did you know YouTube is the second largest search engine and dominant video channel, with Facebook a distance second? More people are visiting and doing business on YouTube and Facebook than Google. And why not? People just love watching videos. In this day and age it’s what they’re used to.

Video is easy, fun and cost effective. Marketing videos add an interactive element to any web site, making it more dynamic and interesting. And it’s easy to post videos on a YouTube channel and then link them on your web site and Facebook for multiple marketing opportunities simultaneously.

Types of Marketing Videos That You Can Create to Promote Your Business

So how can you take advantage of marketing videos to promote your business? Here are a few types of videos that you can produce.

Demonstrate your product or service

Bring your product or service to life through a marketing video. It’s much easier to show prospects why your products and services are the right answer for them. Think of all those “As Seen on TV” commercials; in 2 minutes or less products like the Snuggie, Steam Buddy and Ginzo knives became household names overnight.

Tutorial Videos

How many times have you started a search with “How to…” or “How do I…”? These are key search terms and you can take advantage of them by creating a tutorial video that allows people to follow along and do anything from fill out a mortgage application to create quality photos to refinish a cabinet. Can’t think of anything related to your business? Think about the questions that prospects or new clients ask for help with and you’ve got your topic. Tutorial videos also help to establish you as the Expert.

Customer testimonials

The next time a client says how great you are ask them to say it on video. Who better to talk about the customer experience than the customer? Testimonials help encourage others to take the first steps in becoming a customer themselves.


If you’re giving presentations or demonstrations using GoTo, ScreenFlow or any other online meeting capture it and post it. You’ve already created the presentation you can now use it multiple times either by posting it on YouTube, or holding more webinars. We frequently capture webinars for a client who then uses them to market to more prospects down the road.

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